Monday, April 7, 2014

The burden of the parasite beast

The burden of the parasite beast is similar to the white mans burden, to control the whole world under their system. Their system is that the resources of earth should benefit a few oligarchs. If Russia wants their oil and gas resources to benefit their own people the parasites will do whatever it takes to overthrow them.

One can see how the media only presents the side of the beast, it is a ghetto mentality like the freedom fries, they break off NATO and NASA promptly from cooperating with Russia. One can see that the parasite is a ghetto mentality.

We are operating on the lowest of ghetto mentality, just listen to Kerry and Hillary. Hillary knows that she has to prove that she is more terrible than the parasites to become president. You must understand that if she wins she will have to obey orders from the beast.

As you see Obama has to obey the beast himself he has no power if the beast say destroy Libya,  if the beast say destroy Syria he has to do his best to do their will. We cannot elect a government for the people by the people.

The constitution was designed by the slave-masters, the purpose of which naturally is to maintain the power of the parasite beast. The one and only purpose of the parasite beast is to maintain and control the wealth and resources of earth. They believe God  gave them dominion over us the lower class of people “we the peasants”.

The constitution was designed specifically to prevent majority rule. In other words it is not possible to vote in a government that bids the will of the people. The will of the people is controlled by unelected oligarchs.

By gerrymandering and the donations of big business it is impossible to elect leaders with a free hand, If a candidate wishes to run for election he has to bear allegiance to the oligarchs or he has to be an   oligarch himself.

How many nurses, teachers, plumbers and carpenters are there in congress? The answer is zero.

The latest assault against the people was done by the supreme court by declaring that there is no limit to campaign contributions.

A corporation is a person but the big difference is. With a normal fleshy person if the government decides it can punish them by locking them up and throw away the key.

With a corporation if the government decides to close it, they will punish the shareholders who know absolutely nothing about what the corporation was doing. These usually are the pensions of the poor that worked all of their lives and do not even understand where their pension fund is invested.

We the peasants do all useful work, all the scientists, engineers, doctors, carpenters, street cleaners are peasants. The parasite beast on the other hand only study how to control and make money, their business is to skim the fat off the people.

While the doctor is continuously studying how to fix people the parasite beast is studying how to make money off the doctor. Every time the doctor makes a stroke with his scalpel the parasite beast make money. Every time the street cleaner pickup some trash the parasite beast make money.

Every time a police or soldier is maimed or killed  the parasite beast make money.
Every time a bomb is dropped the parasite beast make money. If you are sick the parasite beast make money. If you wipe your ass the parasite beast make.

The parasite beast uses religion to divide and conquer the people by the threat of Gods vengeance. If  you do not obey and serve your parasites well, you will burn in hell fire for eternity.

However the beast does not believe in this themselves, their heaven is on earth. The beast have private jets, and fifty bedroom houses. These create greenhouse gases which will destroy life on earth within forty years.

The military industrial complex is the greatest contributer to unnecessary greenhouse gases. The sole purpose of the  military industrial complex is to maintain the parasite beast in power.

The parasite beast has to overthrow democracies to install hypocracies note the difference from hypocrisies. A hypocracy is a government that pretends to be a democracy. This is done all over the world in order to prevent any country from implementing an alternative system that serves their population as a whole.

If the people like their government then the parasite beast will do whatever it takes to overthrow and install an hypocracy. They make money by installing hypocracies in order to steal the resources of the countries and rob the native people of their wealth.

This greed system is coming to an end as we have already exceeded the carrying capacity of earth, we cannot continue this expansion.
The carrying capacity of earth is not limited by oil and other resources. The main resources is clean air and water.

The parasite beast system is based on a continuous growth system of expansion. The more it grows the more money they make, the more power they control. This will reach a dead end in a finite earth.

If we continue to grow and pollute we will put earth into thermal runaway, the point of no return. We will all perish including the parasite beast themselves.

We equate making money to intelligence, the man that invented the polio vaccine is unimportant.
The man that invented the microprocessor is unimportant.

The kleptocrats are the real heroes Gates and Jobs who neither invented the computer nor the cellphone claim the benefits. Musk neither invented the rocket engine nor the electric motor but will claim the benefits of them.

All the above was invented by taxpayers money with the German and Jewish scientist stolen from the demise of WWII.

The burden of the parasite beast is creating a burden on the whole world.

There is only one way to stop the parasite beast. All police and soldiers drop your arms and go home.

All people of earth please help your police and soldiers to integrate back into a peaceful society they are peasants just like us our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, who are being used  for destruction by the parasite beast.

Replace greed with love. Love the plants and love the animals of which we are one. Jesus was killed for this one thought love.

Greed is going to kill us all if we do not stop the parasite beast now.

Unuseminucum 4/6/2014

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